
Saturday, February 5, 2011


Dergley has joined Überkomisch. His comic is Mouses, a story comic about a bunch of mice. 

Weclome to the club! :D

Friday, February 4, 2011


there is a new 256 today. hopefully moar this weekend.
a nos tomorrow.
and c=c+1 on sunday. woo hoo!  :D

Friday, January 21, 2011

Guest Strips

That comic with the name that makes no sense (and the comics that make no sense) updated today. It was a guest strip by me, and thusly, the next c=c+1 will be a guest strip by the other guy. I wanted the title text for "no sdfjklsdiocjioji" to be "The levitation was pretty cool," but someone disapproved.

Monday, January 17, 2011

uberkomisch blog

welcome to the website of uberkomisch, the comic author group. there was a  new c=c+1 yesterday, and a new 256 is on the way.